Friday, 28 February 2014

Under Pressure!

Since I did not write yesterday, and I know I promised myself that I will write every day, I find myself under pressure at the moment.

Short story I need to share:  We have this amazing dude working in our building maintenance team.  Vusi.  During our building renovation exercises he is responsible for laying electricity underneath the desks.  The IT dudes then plug and lay electricity cords for computers and monitors prior to the move so that on the day of the move thing just go a little bit quicker.

During our first move Vusi struggled to find the time to lay his cables.  It was getting closer and closer to D-day and we nagged Vusi more and more to get his cables in so we could lay ours.  At one stage, during one of these nagging sessions, Vusi just smiled and said: “Eish, I’m under pressure”.  From then on Vusi was known as Mr Under Pressure.  Does not matter what we have to do, Mr Under Pressure is our man, always smiling, always helping out, always under pressure!

Thank you, Mr Under Pressure!

Enough writing for today, no more being under pressure!

